12 Red Rose Bouquet

  • Cheshire Florist Nantwich
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12 of the very best quality Naomi roses with florist choice seasonal foliage.

Why we only use Naomi Roses in our Red Rose bouquets...

The classic Red Rose symbolises love and romance, making it the most popular choice to show that special someone how much they mean to you.

Red Roses are still the most popular flower to give someone you love, but not all Red Roses are the same. 

We only use the high-end Red Naomi. For us it is the perfect Red Rose. It has a large flower head with some blooms having as many as 80 beautiful velvety petals. It is a lovely rich ruby colour and has a wonderful subtle, sweet fragrance. It's long vase life makes it superior in every way. 

Red Naomi Roses don't come cheap, but we think they are worth it!

There is nothing quite like the impact a lovely hand-tied bouquet full of beautiful scented Red Naomi roses can make. We love them!  




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Price: £90.00 - Luxury

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